We personally check all the items that are packages for shipping and ensure proper packaging of each order using the latest standards in e-commerce packaging. As most of our products are perishable, all food sales are final. However, we will be happy to replace any food/perishable item(s) in the unlikely event that they might reach you damaged or leaking. Unfortunately, how packages are handled during transit is out of our hands. To make sure that you are satisfied with the product you receive, please inspect the contents as soon as your order arrives.
Though we are not responsible for damage to a product during shipping, we value our customers and are willing to provide a replacement for food products. In case the food product you have received is damaged, send us photographs of the damaged product within 2 days of receiving the package to shop@thenortheaststore.com and we will replace the item for you at no additional cost.
For additional information, please refer to our Cancellation and Returns Policy.